Friday, January 24, 2014

10 Tips To Limit Your Intake of Sugary Foods

As I mentioned in my Anti-New Year's Resolution post you may find better long-term success if you set small monthly resolutions instead of a DIFFICULT and hard to sustain New Year's Resolution.  One small resolution for January could be to limit your sugary drinks, snacks, and desserts to just 3 servings per week.

First, here are a few examples of what a portion or serving of "sugary" food could be:

  • 12 oz can of soda or juice drink/mix
  • 2x2 inch square of cake
  • 1 cupcake
  • 3x3 inch square brownie                           
  • 1 medium cookie
  • 3 oreo cookies
  • 1/8 of a pie
  • 3 tbsp syrup
  • 1 oz of chocolate

10 Tips to Help You Limit Your Intake of Sugary Foods:

  1. Use fruit puree on your pancakes and waffles instead of syrup.
  2. Find alternatives to drinking soda.  Check out my post Eat Your Juice for delicious low sugar drinks! Be cautious of replacing soda with juice if you are trying to manage your weight.
  3. When you do have your sugary treat make sure it is something you are really going to enjoy and take the time to eat it slowly and savor the flavor.
  4. Eat a well balanced diet full of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and some nuts.  A balanced diet will help ensure adequate vitamin and mineral intake and control hunger which can give you more willpower against temptation.
  5. Find ways to reduce your stress.  Stress is a recipe for sweet cravings.  
  6. Limit the sweets that you have in the house.  If you do have some in the house keep them tucked away.  Out of sight, out of mind.
  7. Snack on fruit if you need a sweet treat.
  8. Limit your use of artificial sweeteners.  They are sweeter than sugar and may create a need for sweet in your brain.
  9. Practice good sleep habits.  Inadequate "good" sleep can lead to an increase in appetite and cravings.
  10. Find ways to distract yourself if you have cravings for sugar.  Fill your life with people, activities, and events that make you happy.  You'll be too busy to have cravings. 

Blog Image courtesy of Simon Howden /